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Kuehne + Nagel is Expexted to Achieve Over 80% of Savings in Annual Energy Costs. Leicestershire-based energy-saving luminaire specialist, Ecolighting, has been awarded the contract to upgrade the lighting throughout Kuehne + Nagel Drinks Logistics’ facility in Croydon.
Ecolighting will strip out the original sodium luminaires and replace them with energy efficient LED luminaires within the site’s four chamber, multi-client ambient store as well as the facility’s extensive offices and outside yard area.
The upgrade is projected to reduce Kuehne + Nagel’s annual energy bill at the Croydon site by 83 per cent.
In financial terms, the savings generated by the new lighting in the warehouse building alone will top £33,000 per year but when reduced maintenance costs and the tax breaks that are available to companies who install energy-saving lighting are added to the equation, Kuehne + Nagel’s bottom-line benefits are even more impressive.
Steve Gardner, Ecolighting director, commented: “The cost of energy is one of any warehouse operator’s biggest overheads, and inefficient lighting burns more energy than most things.
London City Bond
“From the first point of contact and through the whole installation process, the Ecolighting team has been efficient, supportive and produced an excellent end result. Because of our experience this time, we will certainly consider switching the lighting in some of our other warehouses, especially as the price was so competitive and has proved to be well worth the money we invested.”
Vaughan Bendall, Project Manager at London City Bond
“By introducing energy efficient lighting, Kuehne + Nagel will not only save a sizable chunk of the money it has been spending on energy, but will also reduce its CO2 emissions and, of course, improve light quality and, therefore, the working environment across it’s Croydon facility.”