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FCC Environment

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Switching to Energy Efficient Lighting Saved FCC Environment a Total of £9439 in Annual Lighting Cost. FCC are one of the UK’s leading waste and resource management companies helping thousands of businesses and communities waste less and recycle more.

They are part of the FCC group, one of the world’s largest environmental services companies. This particular lighting installation was at the Sheffield hazardous and industrial waste processing site.

FCC chose Ecolighting because of the complete hassle free service and professional lighting design scheme, not to mention the competitive costs. The personal and complete service often puts Ecolighting ahead of the competition when it comes to industrial customers.

Due to the forward looking health and safety policy at FCC, it was deemed that the current lighting was in need of a refresh. All existing lighting fixtures were either metal halide floodlights or T12 six foot fluorescent tubes encased in liquid proof casings.


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Ecolighting used the Sapphire IP66 batten fitting, in some areas with sensor, throughout the covered structures of the facility. The Sapphire is robust and easy to clean, with no maintenance costs and easy mounting, making for cost effective installation. These were then supplemented by LEDVance LED floodlights in outdoor places or those that required highlighting. This was one of the more unusual environments  for Ecolighting installations, but it is becoming more common as industrial facility managers finally realise the benefits in costs and health and safety that appropriate lighting can bring.

The Ecolighting engineers certainly enjoyed the access challenges presented to them here, more used to simple aisles and open spaces in Warehouses.

This installation took approximately 6 weeks to complete and FCC  will get their money back for this in under 2 years. FCC are so pleased with the outcome that there are works under way at two other sites.

Existing Replacement Saving
Number of Lights 167 168
Annual KWh Consumption 117299 25100 92199 79%
Annual Lighting Cost £11983 £2544 £9439 79%
Annual CO2 Consumption 57976 12406 45570 79%